What is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression?

Non Surgical Spinal Decompression is a type of traction that helps relieve back pain. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine, in which changes the force and position of the spine. This change take pressure of the spinal disks, which are gel like cushions between the bones in your spine as it creates negative pressure on the disc. As a result , bulging or herniated disc may retract, taking pressure off and other structures your spine. This in turn, helps promote movement of the water, oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids into the disc so they can heal.

Non-Surgical Decompression treats:

  • Back, Neck and Sciatic Nerve Pain
  • Bulging or herniated and degenerative disc disease
  • Worn Spinal Joints
  • injured or diseased spinal nerve roots

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